The type of the "collections" option. It defines the collections that will be exported.
An object whose instances can be in the "collections" option. The property "match" must be specified. If it is a string, all collections equals to that string will be exported. If it is a RegExp, all collections matching that RegExp will be exported. The other properties are the ExportingOptions exporting options that overwrite the default ones.
The type whose instances can be values of the SpecificCollections keys. It is an object with a property "collections", which is an array of GeneralCollection that defines which collections of the database will be exported. The other properties are ExportingOptions that will overwrite the default ones for these collections.
A type whose instances can be in the "collections" option. It can be a string, a RegExp, an DetailedCollection or a LambdaCollection. If it is a string, all collections equals to that string will be exported. If it is a RegExp, all collections matching that RegExp will be exported. If it is an DetailedCollection, all collections matching its "collections" property will be exported with the object ExportingOptions overwriting the derault ones. If it is a LambdaCollection, all collections that passed to that function return a truthy value will be exported, with the eventual ExportingOptions returned overwriting the default ones.
A type that can be passed as value of the "collections" option. It is a GeneralCollection instance or an array of GeneralCollection and all collections matching those instances will be exported.
A callback type whose instances can be in the "collections" option. All the databases and collections will be passed to this callback and if true or an ExportingOptions object with further options are returned, the collection will be exported.
A function to determine if a Collection instance is of type GeneralCollection
The Collection instance whose type will be checked.
A function to determine if a GeneralCollection instance is of type LambdaCollection
The GeneralCollection instance whose type will be checked.
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The type whose instance can be in the "collections" option. It can be a SpecificCollections instance, that specifies collections in the scope of their database, or it can be a GeneralCollection instance, that specifies collections without specifying their database.